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Council approves resolution naming Veterans Park

Farmington Press
Jan 18, 2018

Mayor Larry Forsythe spoke about the role the Jaycees organization played in his life during the Jan. 11Farmington City Council meeting.

Among the items on the Consent Agenda for the meeting was a resolution to rename Jaycee Park-located on Perrine Road-to Veterans Park in honor of those who serve.

"This was my doing," Forsythe said. "If there are any questions or comments, direct them towards me."

Forsythe said his father and mother were both actively involved in the Jaycee organization during his childhood.

"My father built Farmington Building Supply," he said. "In the basement?he made the basement for the Jaycees?they held their meetings in the basement of Farmington Building Supply?until they ended."

Forsythe said his father and uncles donated the supplies used to construct an archway at the park-which was removed during renovations a few years ago.

Recently, the mayor said he was approached by a citizen asking if there would be a chance for a park to be developed recognizing those who serve in the armed services-both current and retired.

"I think it will be a very interesting place to go in the future," he said. "The VFW and American Legion are all very excited about this."

In other business, council approved a first and second reading for an agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission for the construction of a J-turn intersection.

Farmington City Administrator Greg Beavers began communications with the Missouri Department of Transportation in August of last year-noting the construction of a new facility with 700 jobs near the intersection of Perrine Road and U.S Highway 67 would cause serious traffic concerns for that area.

Fast forward to Thursday, where council approved the $1.7 million project for the intersection improvements. The city will pay $200,000, with the grant from MoDOT in the amount of $1.2 million, along with $103,000 from the Southeast District of MoDOT.

The project will go out for bid in March.

Beavers applauded the cooperation of the county to approve and authorize for the portion of county land in the project to MoDOT for the speed in the time from the project was discussed to this moment.

"I think we did the right things. We hired a consultation to come in and evaluate that intersection. We made a case to Missouri Department of Transportation local district office and also to the state office in Jefferson City. Everybody concurred with the need-Missouri Department of Economic Development did. The county cooperated with us in supporting that project also.

"In about the course of five to six months, we're going to have this (project) out for bid," he said. "To do that in the transportation world, in the state world, is a great accomplishment and demonstrates a lot of cooperation on a lot of different levels to make it happen. From my seat here in this game, I really appreciate everyone's assistance in getting this done."

Forsythe commended Beavers for his work in getting the project off the ground.

In other business, Beavers told the council he and finance director Michelle Daniel would attend a meeting with other city leaders on Jan. 12 regarding municipalities placing a "use tax" proposals on the ballot for the collection of internet sales tax.

"If you look nationwide, there are a lot of local municipalities that are suffering because internet sales have shifted so much away from your sales tax growth," he said, noting news reports of major retailers such as Sears and Kmart closing brick and mortar stores.

In Missouri, state legislation was passed in 2016 allowing the state to collect state sales tax on merchandise sold on the Internet. Individual cities, however, are required to put the issue before voters to collect the sales tax on internet purchases.

"In Farmington, we've been an exception to that general rule of people seeing a decline in sales taxes because, strategically, some of the things that we've done?we've still experienced tremendous growth-even during the recession," he said. "Our sales taxes were stable?they weren't growing much, but we were never seeing them fall off."

The city has more than one sales tax up for reauthorization in the next few years, which include the one-fourth cent sales transportation and parks and storm water sale tax in 2020, as well as the half-cent capital improvements sales tax in 2023.

"I just don't know that-in our position-asking the voters for that additional layer on internet sales is in our best interest for Farmington, but that's a decision for council to make," he said. "We're going to discuss it with the other communities" adding the administrative services committee of council will discuss the issue as well to gauge council feedback.

Council also approved an amendment to the municipal code regarding alcohol-related traffic ordinance violations adding a ban for passengers in a vehicle to have an open container. First readings by title only were held on a final record plat for property at 120 Holly Tree Lane, as well as the designation of 102 W. Columbia St. as historic property.

In reports, council approved the hiring of Kris Kappler as a police officer.

Council next meets for regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 22.

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